April 2024

It might not have felt like it, but Spring has sprung. Aboard the good ship Kerne Spring means that it is boiler inspection time, so whilst painting can get into full swing, down below, such jobs as fitting the crinolines continue, the condenser doors are re-fitted and the condenser pressure tested (and no leaks!) there is the necessity to prepare the boiler for its annual test. This requires the removal of the two sets fire bars from each of the two furnaces together with the central supports. Whilst this might sound pretty straightforward it is at least a four-man job. One is in the furnace, and he lifts out each fire bar and passes it through the furnace door to the man in the stokehold, who passes it up to the man perched at the top of the Boiler Room ladder. He then passes it up through the skylight to the man stood on deck, who passes it to the man who stacks the bars in order behind the funnel, so when returned each bar is in exactly the position it came out from. This is essential, as the bars can buckle with heat over time. On the water side of the boiler, it was found necessary to replace the furnace supports which were showing signs of wastage, so they have now been removed and a final clean out of both the fire and water sides carried out with our powerful vacuum cleaner. The manhole doors to the top and bottom of the boiler have their joint faces cleaned and all made clean and ready for inspection. The boiler inspector pronounced himself happy with the dry test, so it was then reversing the process described above to return the firebars to their rightful positions in the furnaces. Having closed the smokebox doors all is now proceeding towards the live steam test which we normally plan to have in conjunction with a sailing in order to save on fuel costs. The latter issue is very much in mind at this time as the rising cost and difficulties in obtaining suitable coal now have to be factored into our sailing program. Indeed, we have had to take the very difficult decision to decline an invitation to attend the ‘Steam at the Lift’ event at the Anderton Boat Lift in May due to the prohibitive fuel costs. We do however hope to have a number of short trip sailings and spend time in Canning Dock during the summer.


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