January 2025
The first month of the New Year was memorable for the weather, and not just the wind but also freezing conditions. The storm of December, compounded by those of January had taken their toll on the casing of our diesel generator. Installed several years ago to provide 240 volt power aboard for welding etc, this ‘Silent’ 11kva set is mounted on a steel frame off the forward deck scuttle and encased in a light steel sheet cocoon. Unfortunately, weakened by the effects of a salty atmosphere, it was no match for the ferocious winds which got under a hinged section and tore it from the main structure. We have decided in due course to replace the whole structure in heavier material, but in the meantime the hinged section has been replaced with one of plywood construction. The very cold snap that this part of the country experienced resulted in the freezing of the domestic fresh water tank located forward of the aft cabin/galley hatch, and despite being lagged, the pipework to the sink below ...